Queen Dairy
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  •   dark light
    black #070605 #402935
    red #801414 #b8174c
    green #36ab63 #73FA95
    yellow #a35834 #e6b450
    blue #003d79 #367bf0
    magenta #b269ff #f4b8f4
    cyan #0384ab #00bcd4
    white #f0cbbe #ffffff

    This is the "Dairy" scheme - primarily aimed for roguelike players, but also for everyday command use, as well as programming. With other colour schemes, there were one or more tidbits that I didn't like, that made it unfeasible to use in the long run:

    After months of intense tweaking, I came up with something definitive, in the sense you won't be fiddling around for a long while. All colours are original, and do NOT obey modern trends. The colour scheme (hex) is as follows, and can be applied to terminals, or anything which uses 16 colours.

    Below are examples - "Dairy" on left, default Windows/xterm scheme on right.